Good VTech Stack and Sing Rings - Blocks

Good VTech Stack and Sing Rings

Good VTech Stack and Sing Rings Specification & Features Product Name: VTech Stack and Sing Rings Brand: VTech Model: 80-166300...

VTech Stack and Sing Rings

Good VTech Stack and Sing Rings

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: VTech Stack and Sing Rings
  • Brand: VTech
  • Model: 80-166300

  • Stacking rings have an encouraging monkey that lights up and plays melodies and sing-along songs; base wobbles for added challenge and fun
  • Fun sounds and songs play when the baby rings are stacked; discover numbers, colors, shapes and music
  • 5 colorful rings and a variety of textures promote tactile development and baby play; infant learning stacker is great for baby
  • Baby stacking toy includes 40+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases
  • Baby learning toy is intended for babies and toddlers 6 months to 3 years of age; 2 AAA batteries included for demo, use new batteries for regular use

Stack the rings for a musical surprise with the Stack & Sing Rings by VTech. As your child builds motor skills by stacking the colorful rings the interactive monkey will light up and play melodies and singalong songs. The monkey also encourages your child to stack the rings with fun phrases that introduce colors shapes and numbers.

Comments List

  • VTech Stack and Sing Rings Reviews:

    everything is perfect!! The order came quickly and the sweets are just super!!!! I would recommend :) ! Do not hesitate! :DVery fun game video challenge on the channel SistersInGames. The tastes are really ecoeurant for some (such as skunk or vomit) Fast delivery. As good as disgusting but a good time when we expect not to taste it lol after that is very hard to return... Candy that fits the description a bit expensive for the amount the children are entertained with. I have not wanted to tastedthis is perfect if you love the taste of vomit, soap, ear wax, booger etc excellent for an evening between friends, a pledge mandatory and laugh inevitable! yes, my daughter loves it, I recommend it to people who like candy surprises!!!!! Not given however.... for the little bit of sweetsA box of tiny with a small wheel ridicule : it is far from what is called a box play. I made myself get on the size. I was almost ashamed to offer it. If not actually, the sweets are a bad desire, it is funny for 5 minutes. But the price is frankly too high!!!!!! one wonders how they were made to reproduce the tastes as disgusting! Very well, a lot of candy by taste except for the orange (1! ) I had the impression that the price had gone up on my order though... Very fun to do but a little expensive for some candy.... A game fun for teens during the evenings "camping"! Even if it should not be abused under penalty of nausea....
  • Cheap VTech Stack and Sing Rings:

    it remains only to try it out, but for once I wouldn't be the first. I laiserez the children to taste!!!!! Very expensive for such a small box!!! Otherwise, the oration ok and the kids had a blast with their tastes weirdif you know Harry Potters product very funny. children will love its candy taste exceptional. super between boyfriends and girlfriendsSending very fast, at the height of my expectations. Very funny game! Only one small thing. I find that the distribution of candy is not terrible... I had example 9 blue and 1 white. But hey it's still pretty cool as a trickThe flavor is not very pronounced for certain perfumes. It's sometimes hard to guess. But all the same good qualityExcellent product, quality and authenticity, a delight for the children. Put in the bread this is a four hour balanced. QUALITY PRIXMAUVAIS PRODUCT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN FOR THE CHILDREN, BUT I FIND IT AVERAGE AND A BIT EXPENSIVE GIVEN THE PRODUCT SIMPLY BECAUSE LEGEND HARRY POTTERI bought this product for my 11 year old daughter who wanted to play with her friends. She has not been disappointed. The tastes are surprising and repugnant to some, but they have passed a good time..
  • Cheap VTech Stack and:

    . I still have the flavors boogers and wax humainesmais all the rest is gone I'm happy with my purchaseDelivered on the first day of tempo perfect we had a good laugh! I'm not a big fan of candy egg rots do not swallow not makes her vomitOrder Sunday received it Tuesday morning, as estimated, very happy! Box is intact and larger than I thought, it contains 41 sugar-Coated, perfect for an evening between friends for a good time, very happy with my order I recommend! I ORDER FOR MY SON OF 11 YEARS, WE ARE WELL on the savory side to ENJOY ALL of THESE SCENTS WEIRD. Very fun my kids are having fun, the tastes are original, d will be buying again for some sides. Taste of the candy very surprising unpleasant at which the mouth cannot eat, have been put in the trashis there a candy "surprising" (finally, the "disgusting") and those of the box harry potter kind of soap is what they are also? the sweets are well degeulasse perfect for the family or between boyfriend very marant and tastes are... Article meets our order and received in time.
  • Best Buy VTech Stack and:

    Very fun and playful for the children ideal for a game in a birthday or pajama party. As for those harry potter still as disgusting but they have other tastes so I recommend again again and again!!!!! a very good transaction and a good way for my son to make jokes with his buddies or brother and sister, who want him poking candyGood, but not enough for the price. I broke out with. My buddies were happy, but all have not had. My son was very happy to be able to challenge these buddies ;), satisfied with the taste, even though for me I find it quite specialnot to consume for the pleasure of taste, but spices up the evenings between friends. jenleve a star because not the same number of sweets of each flavourFrankly to spend an evening among friends.... there is no better to make laughter than to see his friend falling on a taste foul... hihihiLes candy is really disgusting, when it falls on the bad and look like the taste of booger, vomit, and the worse it is the croquette for dog...... Beuuuuuuuuuuurk... but one sick so much!!! Go have a good evening....... ;-) I ordered these candy following a Youtube video and I do not regret! very nice for an evening between friends. Surprise!! Available for birthday for my 9 year old son with his buddies. Crazy laughter guaranteed!! Very good idea hijacked in the game! Article meets the description.
  • On Sale VTech Stack and:

    The gôuts are absolutely despicable, ideal for fun between a friend or make a joke. One star less for the distribution of gôuts which is not at all proportional.. Funny, the fragrances are exactly the same as in the film. yes yes there has vomited, toothpaste, booger etc, but also peach, strawberry, pear, chocolate etc-all case months I like even the taste of croquette for dog. lolHello, candy-really not good but very good time spent with friends thanks to its candy. They need to be tasted absolutely!!!! Nothing to say! Coli received in advance, in good condition! A game of wine-tasting fun with the suspense! :) Product nice friends :) Several people have asked me or I had to buy this product, so it is...... NICE. I recommendVery well but the only drawback is that there are only 3 candy who had good gou but otherwise I recommend. the sweets have done their effetprévus for an evening for teens with games gagesparfait and really sympaje recommendsA true delight, like the ones eaten in the united States, with many tastes and surprisesJe the advise! Inedible!!! counterfeit! the box is not at all like the picture, the appearance of the candies do not even want to taste it. HORRIBLEHello I'd really like to buy product and I will like to know if there is a date as what it is more good? These sweets are just perfect for a laugh! The tastes are fairly well distributed and are rather "realistic". The price is still too high.



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Blocks: Good VTech Stack and Sing Rings
Good VTech Stack and Sing Rings
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